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Top Cases For 2024

We selected our top three cases for 2024 that gave our clients a great outcome and satisfaction. 

J.I.S Private Investigations Cases for 2024


Divorce Investigation​


J.I.S Private Investigations was hired to conduct a divorce investigation involving a suspected cheating spouse. Our seasoned investigators meticulously observed the spouse, uncovering a pattern of infidelity with another individual during the divorce proceedings. The investigation revealed compelling evidence that the affair had begun long before the filing of the divorce, a crucial detail for the upcoming legal battle.


Our investigators not only gathered irrefutable proof of the affair but also meticulously documented every aspect of the case, preparing a comprehensive dossier for court presentation. The stakes were high: the client's ex-spouse was demanding over $10,000 a month in spousal and child support. Rather than succumbing to these exorbitant demands, the client decided to take the matter to trial, armed with the compelling evidence provided by J.I.S Private Investigations.


Initially, the accused spouse attempted to dismiss the allegations, claiming the individual in question was merely a friend. However, when faced with the undeniable evidence our investigators had collected, the spouse was forced to admit to the affair. This pivotal moment dramatically shifted the course of the case.

As a result of the evidence brought to light, our client not only avoided the hefty financial demands but also secured half custody of the children with no child support. Ultimately, our thorough and strategic investigation led to a fair outcome, ensuring our client was not burdened with child support payments and could move forward with their life on equal footing.


Work Place Injury Case


J.I.S Private Investigations was engaged to conduct a detailed surveillance operation on a former employee who claimed to have sustained a debilitating injury while on the job. This employee insisted that the injury significantly impacted his daily life, rendering him unable to work or engage in much physical activity. Leveraging his claims, the employee made a series of substantial demands from his employer, even threatening legal action if these demands were not met.


Initially, the employer complied with most of the employee's requests, seeking to avoid conflict and potential litigation. However, after more than six months of meeting these demands, the employer sought the assistance of J.I.S Private Investigations. The employer's goal was to determine the validity of the employee’s injury claims and avoid being indefinitely bound to the employee's terms.


Our experienced investigator launched a comprehensive surveillance operation, meticulously monitoring the employee's daily activities. Over several weeks, the investigator gathered extensive evidence, observing the employee engaging in activities that contradicted his claims of injury. The employee was seen lifting heavy objects, performing manual labor, and displaying no visible signs of pain or physical limitation.


This surveillance footage and documentation provided irrefutable proof that the employee was not suffering from any significant injury. Armed with this evidence, the employer was able to refute the employee's claims and avoid further exploitation. By revealing the truth behind the employee’s fraudulent injury claim, J.I.S Private Investigations protected the employer from ongoing extortion and upheld the integrity of the workplace.



Traffic Accident Investigation


J.I.S Private Investigations was retained by a client to conduct a comprehensive traffic accident investigation. The client, the owner of a transportation company, faced a challenging situation when one of his employees, driving a freightliner, was involved in a collision. The incident occurred during a left turn when another driver, later identified as the at-fault party, made an illegal left turn, resulting in a collision with the freightliner.


At the scene of the accident, the at-fault driver immediately blamed the freightliner employee, claiming that he had merged into his lane, causing the collision. When the police arrived, they documented both accounts, but with conflicting stories and no clear evidence, determining liability was difficult. The situation escalated when the at-fault driver hired a personal injury attorney just days after the accident, shifting the blame onto the freightliner driver and filing a lawsuit against the transportation company.


With the freightliner rendered inoperable and the client facing a lawsuit, the stakes were high. The client turned to J.I.S Private Investigations to gather evidence to prove his employee was not at fault. Our skilled investigator immediately went to work, meticulously examining the scene and gathering critical evidence. They documented the flow of traffic, analyzed lane travel patterns, and noted the presence of a construction zone that had caused several lanes to be closed, which likely contributed to the confusion and subsequent accident.


After weeks of detailed investigation, the investigator compiled a comprehensive report that provided a clear narrative of what had actually happened. The report included evidence of the at-fault driver’s illegal maneuver, the impact of the construction zone on traffic flow, and the freightliner driver's adherence to traffic rules. This thorough and well-documented report was presented to the client’s attorney, who recognized its value in disproving the claims made by the at-fault driver.


Armed with this evidence, the client successfully demonstrated that his employee was not at fault, clearing his company of any wrongdoing. The diligent work of J.I.S Private Investigations not only helped avoid a costly legal battle but also ensured the client could resume business operations with his reputation intact.


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